About us

Edificar Real Estate Office is situated in Mina Clavero, was founded in September 2013. The area of influence is Traslasierra Valley, Córdoba Province.
Efficiency and honesty are prioritized in our work. The confidentiality in consultations and professional diligence lead us to meet the expectations of every client. With our hard work, we wish fine a solution for every problem. Our best publicity is the feedback from our customers.
Edificar Real Estate Office is owned by R. Esteban Urús Real Estate Broker M.P. 4448 CPCPI.
Legal advice: Dr. Guillermo Dutto. Lawyer. MP 1-31205.
R. Esteban Urús was born in Saladillo City, Buenos Aires Province, in 1.980. In 2.003 moved to Villa Cura Brochero. Since 2.006 worked in others real estate offices. He study in Inst. Cervantes and Universidad Siglo 21. Since 2.004 is a member of the Chamber of Commerce and Tourism of Villa Cura Brochero; and between 2.011 and 2.013 held the position of Vice-president. He lives in Traslasierra with his family, wife and two little boys.
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