C01 – 141 Hectares in Ciénaga de Allende
It´s situated near Ciénaga de Allende, 22 km. from Mina Clavero. There are a stream, field and hills, with native vegetation.
The field is driving to the west 22 kms. About 141 hectares are divided in two parts by a road. To the north are about 32 hectares, with agricultural sector, a stream and water well. The south’ part is about 109 hectares with hills, native vegetation and grass. It has a little brook too. The electric network is about 1.800 metres of distance from the field. The perimeter is wired and needs preservation.
This field allows raising cattle and have a quiet life.
Precio de Venta:
141 Hec. x $6.500.- each
Real Estate Commission: 3 %
Corr. Inmb. R. Esteban Urús.
Mat. Nº4448.
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